HITRUST Authorized External Assessor

EntPerMaSys Consulting

EntPerMaSys Consulting is a HITRUST Authorized External Assessor. Which means that EntPerMaSys consultants have gone through a rigorous process of training and testing to attain the coveted HITRUST CCSFP and CHQP certifications, besides EntPerMaSys itself undergoing required scrutiny from the HITRST Alliance in terms of its quality policies, capabilities tracker record.

What is HITRUST ? And who requires this certification ?

The Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST) was founded in 2007 to make information security a focus of the healthcare industry. A HITRUST Certification enabled organizations demonstrate to their stakeholders that they have met the stringent information security and privacy requirements of HITRUST Comprehensive Security Framework (CSF) created by the HITRUST Alliance, which further demonstrates meeting the requirements of of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and it’s successor -the HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act).

Why does the Healthcare sector require a different set of Information Security / Privacy controls ?

Healthcare data is a prime target for cybercriminals due to its high value and the increasing frequency of data breaches in the sector. Understanding the financial incentives and breach trends underscores the necessity for rigorous protection measures.

  • Various estimates relating to the “value” of personal information records indicate that medical records can sell for approximately $60 each, compared to Social Security numbers at $15 and credit card information at $3.
  • Often, databases in Healthcare entities contain information about not just medical conditions and treatments and drugs prescribed, but also information about Social Security numbers, details about Insurance cover, dates of birth etc which makes such records very lucrative for cyber criminals (maximizing their ROI !!!)
  • Number of healthcare data breaches involving the loss of 500 or more records in the United States has steadily risen from 199 in 2010 and
As a result of all of the above, protection of PII / SPI in the healthcare sector is more challenging than in any other sector. All this necessitates a more “prescriptive” approach to data protection for this sector.

What are the various types of HITRUST Certifications ?

There are three HITRUST Assessment Types

How can EntPerMaSys Consulting help us in our journey for attaining the HITRUST certification ?

As a HITRUST Authorized External Assessor, our trained, certified and experienced team can guide you at each step in your certification journey, whether it is a Readiness Assessment or a Validated Assessment. Deep domain knowledge – whether in the understanding of the controls, explanation of the gaps in a readiness assessment, or explaining the end-to-end process of the Validated assessment – we are there with you throughout the journey assisting you to “up your security game” and demonstrate compliance.

Source – HITRUST Alliance

Drop us an email at services@entpermasys.com to know more about our HITRUST certification assistance services.

Get In Touch

No 6, Ward No 65,
Vinir Towers, BDA 1st Stage,
BTM Layout, Bengaluru,
Karnataka 560068.

DE 19899, USA.

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